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About Singltrek, s.r.o.

Singltrek, s.r.o. brought purpose designed close-to-nature recreational trails for MTB into the Czech Republic and Central Eastern Europe in general. Our team designs, manages and promotes trail systems, ranging from peri-urban trails to full-blown international trail destinations. Our specialities lie in sustainable trail design, stakeholder planning, construction contractor tendering specs (obligatory in many European countries), clerk of works roles and risk management solutions. We have created and now manage the first ever trail centre in Central Europe  Singltrek pod Smrkem  a pioneering project that for the first time in modern history implemented trail design into recreational infrastructure in Czech forests.

Products & Services

feasibility studies

land planning permissions

trail design (for tender)

clerk of works

trail inspection and monitoring

Primary Company Location
Mechova 17
Jablonec nad Nisou
Liberecky kraj
466 04
00420 604 276 019

Member Employees

  • Tomas Kvasnicka

Company Contact

Tomas Kvasnicka
00420 604 276 019
Mechova 17
Jablonec nad Nisou
Liberecky kraj
466 04