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About ContourLogic LLC

ContourLogic believes that trails can be used to achieve management objectives on public lands. Effective trail systems deliver: Protection of Natural and Cultural Resources, High Quality Recreation, Desired Visitor Behavior, and Long-term Support and Funding for Public Land Programs We subscribe to the rolling-contour trail approach: precisely locating the tread where gradient, outslope, undulation and meander act together to manage erosion without foreign structures like water bars.

ContourLogic staff specializes in planning and designing smart natural-surface trail systems. We also team with a network of technicians to help integrate GIS, bridge engineering, public process, landscape architecture, or bike parks into your project as needed.

ContourLogic's managing consultant, Scott Gordon, has trail experience spanning 15 years during which he has designed dozens of successful new trails, reroutes and retrofits. He sees trails as both a recreational amenity and a tool to manage visitors and protect cultural and natural resources. Not only a student of trail literature, Scott also contributes to the body of trail building techniques. He is fluent in current trail practices including those covered in USFSs Trail Construction and Maintenance Notebook and Wetland Trail Design and Construction, IMBAs Trail Solutions, and Troy Scott Parkers Natural Surface Trails by Design.

Products & Services

Inventory and Assessment

Master Planning

Trail Design

Construction Documents

Construction Management

Staff/ volunteer Training

Trail Construction -- Select project only

Primary Company Location
13258 S. Mohawk Street
There are no employees listed for this location

Company Contact

Scott Gordon
13258 S. Mohawk Street