Applied Trails Research
About Applied Trails Research
Jeremy Wimpey, PhD. is the sole proprietor of Applied Trails Research, LLC.
Dr. Wimpey is one of the country’s leading recreation ecology practitioners. His applied field investigations help public lands managers understand the phenomena and mechanisms associated with visitor-use-related-impacts to wildlife, water, vegetation, and soils, and impacts to other recreationists (degradation or enhancement of users' experi-ence) in outdoor settings. His teaching experience includes upper level courses (Outdoor Recreation Planning and Out-door Recreation Management at Virginia Tech University) focused on estimation of recreation demand, wildland recreation classification/resource inventory, public involvement methodologies, social impact analysis, state comprehensive planning, site design, land acquisition, use measurement, impact assessment, and facility operation/maintenance. His unique background— academic, trail enthusiast, entrepre-neur—help bring an innovative and holistic approach to providing solutions for recreation management challenges. Dr. Wimpey has collaborated with the National Park Service and US Forest Service, supported the work of research institutions, and published numerous trail impact and trail management works in academic journals and popular sources.
Products & Services
Tools and services for provision and management of high quality recreation infrastructure and experiences while minimizing impacts to natural resources and achieving conservation goals.

Company Contact
Jeremy Wimpey | |
4436292630 | |
950 Selma Blvd |
Staunton |
VA |
US |
24401 |